
Weekend Break - 7 - 12 September 07

History of Dubai

A city on fast-forward, where every new venture is bigger, brighter, more eccentric and expensive than the last - an orgiastic wave of development that shows no signs of crashing on its five-star hotel-lined shores.

So what is it that this city has to offer that keeps tourist numbers heading skyward as fast as Dubai skyscraper contruction? Sunshine is guaranteed, and there's stunning shopping, non-stop nightlife, fantastic hotels and world-class events in the city with touches of the exotic old Middle East, without touts and terrifying taxi rides.


A real life "rages to riches" story without an end in sight.


Highlights from the trip include among others:

1) Spending time in the Sun (40 degrees)

2) Water-skiing

3) 4 x 4 desert safari

4) Dinner at Al Mahara - Burj Al Arab

5) Wild Wadi waterpark


For more photos of Dubai